Planned maintenance: Frankfurt

Apr 22, 04:00 UTC | Scheduled for 4 hours | Affects: Frankfurt

Planned maintenance: Stockholm

Apr 22, 06:00 UTC | Scheduled for 6 hours | Affects: Stockholm

Issues with Netflix streaming server

May 07, 10:00 UTC | Resolved after 1 week | Affected:

Our dedicated Netflix streaming server is currently experiencing issues.  This does not affect the normal VPN servers as the server is only used for Netflix in the United States.

Incident's timeline
Issue resolved May 15, 13:20 UTC
Netflix server is up and running again. Please let us know if you experience any residual issues with Netflix towards the US
Working with data center provider May 11, 14:58 UTC
We are working with the data center provider in question to get the server up and running again. They had to migrate data center without providing any prior information which is the cause of the down time. We hope that the server will be back up in a day or two. If not, we'll start looking for replacement providers.
Last update: 2024-04-20 04:20:02