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Last incident 1 day ago

Ongoing DDoS attack

Jun 10, 10:44 UTC | Resolved after 22 hours | Affected: Copenhagen, Helsinki

We have an ongoing DDoS attack against our VPN servers again

Incident's timeline
Resolved Jun 10, 20:47 UTC
Preliminary result suggests that our countermeasures seem to be working. It has not yet been pushed to all data centers though, we're still in discussions with some of them to try and get it solved there as well.
Preleminary mesures Jun 10, 15:16 UTC
We've developed some countermeasures for the ongoing DDoS attacks and some of our data centers have started implementing them. We're still observing the situation to see whether they help alleviate the issue.
Last update: 2024-04-26 15:15:02