After discovering
some areas of improvement, we're continuing our
WireGuard deployment to more locations.
The only remaining data center is
Stockholm, which we'll update on Tuesday, June 23. Some of our VPN servers in Stockholm have an uplink of 2 x 1 Gbit/s, so in conjunction with the maintenance we will replace those network cards with 10 Gbit/s ones in order to meet the anticipated bandwidth increase that WireGuard will lead to.
VPN09 - VPN24 as well as VPN46 - VPN48 already have 10 Gbit/s uplinks. The VPN servers that we will replace network cards on are:
- VPN02 - VPN05
- VPN60 - VPN64
- VPN74 -VPN76
As we will physically replace the network cards on the aforementioned VPN servers, they will be down for a longer period than the other ones. We therefore suggest that users connect to other data centers than Stockholm during the maintenance period, or, connect to one of the servers that already have a 10 Gbit/s network card as their maintenance period will be shorter.