All systems operational

Last incident 3 days ago

Planned maintenance: Website

Feb 29, 03:00 UTC | Resolved after 1 hour | Affected: WEB01

During the scheduled time, the website and API will be unavailable due to a planned maintenance on the web server.

As the API will be unavailable, you may find it difficult to log in to the mobile apps and Public IPv4 with OpenVPN during the scheduled time. Existing connections will still work.

While the maintenance is planned for 3 hours, we only expect the website to be unavailable for a total of 1 hour.

Incident's timeline
Finished Feb 29, 04:33 UTC
Maintenance finished. All services should work properly.
Started Feb 29, 03:00 UTC
Maintenance period has started.
Last update: 2024-07-27 08:25:02