Planned maintenance: Frankfurt

Apr 22, 04:00 UTC | Scheduled for 4 hours | Affects: Frankfurt

Planned maintenance: Stockholm

Apr 22, 06:00 UTC | Scheduled for 6 hours | Affects: Stockholm

Migration of VPN server in Atlanta

Feb 24, 13:00 UTC | Resolved after 2 days | Affected: Atlanta

The VPN server in Atlanta will be migrated to a new data center on February 24th. The migration takes place to improve connectivity and stability for customers. 

The downtime will however last multiple hours will the technicians derack the equipment from the current data centers owned by QuadraNet, and then drive and rack the equipment in the new data  centers owned by Datapacket.

Furthermore, it will lead to entirely new IP spans. All Public IPv4 customers in these data centers will be assigned new IP addresses. Customers using WireGuard for their Public IPv4 will need to download a new configuration file after the maintenance has been completed in order to connect.

Incident's timeline
Configuration error Feb 28, 06:54 UTC
A configuration error occurred on VPN18 after the migration, causing OpenVPN traffic to fail. This has now been resolved. 
We apologize for the inconvenience. 
Atlanta migration complete Feb 26, 17:00 UTC
The migration of the data center in Atlanta has been completed.
Extended maintenance Feb 25, 12:16 UTC
We are unsure when the server will be available again. It's possible it can get up and running during the weekend, but if not, it might take additional delays. Anyone with a Public IPv4 can change data center for it in the dashboard on
Extended downtime expected Feb 24, 08:28 UTC
The migration from QuadraNet to Datapacket will take place today. However, we will most likely not be able to get the server up and running due to the situation in Ukraine. We expect an extended downtime for this migration as multiple of our engineers are in Ukraine and are trying to get to safety.
Last update: 2024-04-19 11:30:03