Planned maintenance: Frankfurt

Apr 22, 04:00 UTC | Scheduled for 4 hours | Affects: Frankfurt

Planned maintenance: Stockholm

Apr 22, 06:00 UTC | Scheduled for 6 hours | Affects: Stockholm

Planned maintenace: Erfurt, Helsinki, Singapore, Sydney & Tokyo

Mar 25, 06:00 UTC | Resolved after 2 hours | Affected: Helsinki, Sydney, Tokyo, Singapore, Erfurt

 In continuation with previous maintenances, all VPN servers in these regions will be undergoing a planned maintenance to update the kernel and disk image.

Downtime per server is expected to be low, but we're reserving an hour for the maintenance. 

Incident's timeline
Resolved Mar 25, 08:00 UTC
All VPN servers are available now. Sydney had an increased downtime of 1 hour and 22 minutes, but the other regions only had a downtime of 1 to 4 minutes.
Started Mar 25, 06:00 UTC
Maintenance period has started.
Last update: 2024-04-18 21:20:03